That's What I'm Talking about
One can always add another reason to join Cantala. If you already sing in Cantala, or just love to sing, then someday, by passion, perseverance, hard work and a little bit of luck, you may get the chance to sing at Lincoln Centre in New York City, under the direction of one, Eric Whitacre, famous conductor and composer. Once you do get that opportunity then you know that you are not just any ordinary choir..... Congratulations to the Cantala Women's Choir – We did it and made it!!!
Some Cantala members celebrating to all hours of the night after the performance at Lincoln Center.
Once arriving in New York and starting the first of two rehearsals, little did I know there would be more to learn before performing Whitacre's music. Aside from memorizing the words, rhythm and notes to 11 pieces over the past several months, now we had to learn to create the right mood, image, or emotion. While Eric Whitacre allowed us to grasp the deeper understanding of how each piece was to be interpreted through his personal stories, his hypnotic facial expressions and conducting gestures led us easily to bringing these moments to life again and again, both in rehearsal and on stage. My favourite moments were when the choir got whatever he wanted finally right. He would give a smile and a nod that indicated, "That's what I'm talking about." Being a part of those moments while on that stage at Lincoln centre, was such an awesome feeling and accomplishment for me.
When the curtain came down and all the hours of agonising study and memorisation ended, I was left with the relationships and bonds that were established with other Cantala choir members in the weeks leading up to and during our time in New York. Our Distinguished Concert International New York City (DCINY) trip taught me so much about these beautiful, bright, intelligent and talented young ladies in the choir. When we sing together, we learn to listen and support each other. Amazingly, this cohesiveness continued outside of rehearsal. In New York we were inseparable for 4 days, free of everything while taking long walks through Central Park and soaking up all that New York City had to offer. This was a very special time spent securing comradery. Our shared stories deepened our relationships and I am sure it will lead many of us to having special long-lasting friendships. Just another bonus reason to join Cantala.
Now that’s what I’m talking about.