We are a treble voiced choir....what does that mean?
Have you noticed that our name has changed over the years? Ever wonder why? Read on…
Cantala and many of the silly people that make it up. In the Cantala of 2023 not everyone identifies as a woman and many of our members have transgendered children wanting to sing. In 2023 it is time to be a gender neutral space and inclusivity is one focus of our organizations mission. We strive to be a special, welcoming, inclusive choral creating place. Photo Credit: A. Armstrong
Just a review of historical facts: We used to be called the Cantala Women’s Choir. We are now officially referred to the Cantala Choir. This was an important change that helps us strive for our mission of inclusivity, equity and diversity.
It was at the choral weekend intensive at the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity in 2020 (February) that I met another conductor who remarked to me that they loved Cantala’s sound and repertoire but that because they did not identity as a woman, they wouldn’t feel welcomed or interested in singing in our choir.
This was very eye opening for me. It opened the door to seeing the world in a new perspective. I had never thought of choral names as gendered, but they often are!
It was then that I realized we needed to ungender our name and rename it The Cantala Choir.
So what does changing to a treble voiced choir look like? Its actually quite simple. With no concern to your biological sex, I am interested in hearing you sing in the treble tessitura (aka treble clef). If you are able to sing healthfully in this vocal range, then voila!-you have found the right spot to audition.
Looking forward to meeting any and all of you who love to sing in the treble vocal range. All are valued. All are welcome.
Nancy (she/her).